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Hit Grayrocks last night after the sun went down and caught 2 walleyes... pitching crankbaits off the rocks.

They were about 2lb each maybe a little over 15"? Didn't weigh them or scale them though..... threw em back. (no stringer / ice)

Action was pretty slow.


Saw a ton of campers and boats up for the weekend. Wonder why we can't get more people to post reports.
Went again last night caught 2 really small catfish. Good sign that there are baby catfish in Grayrocks... since they G/F won't be stocking them anytime soon ( we trade for catfish and our trading partners have quit providing us with catfish to stock).

Talked to a guy loading his boat up for the day and he showed me a 15lb cat he caught. I did not realize they got that big in Grayrocks but this cat was every bit of 15lbs. Huge.

I lost a big fish at about midnight .... broke my line. First time I've had that happen in years. Bad knot I think[Wink]

Makes me wonder how big some of the drum in there might be. 10lbs?
Nice post! Been wanting to get out, just a bit motor broke, should come out of it soon though! Been fishing around town a bit, nothing to brag about... Glad someone is getting out. Have a good un...
If you change your mind let me know, I can undo what I did.

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