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help the cause
So....the "rapper" Soulja Boy has released a new song that includes the phrase "[#400080]PM Jeremypeace if you want to know what was deleted[/#400080] THE ARMY TROOPS" he contiues on to say how "hard" and "real" he is and how "fake" the troops/vets are...repost if you know someone in the military or support the ppl who protect your freedom, It's pretty ovious that "Soulja boy" doesnt.

this has been going around the web fast and it is true help spred the boy cot to help end his career! he does not deserve to have a career if he is going to just put the men & women down that are fighting for us saying they dont know what hardship is or what war is!!! PLEASE if you feel the same about helping stop his career spread this around to as many people as you can.. thank you.
Is this Souja the low life fake pastor SOB that was locked up for taking advantage of the underage in his "flock"?
That one oughta be emasculated, violated violently then tarred & feathered before he's run outta town on a rail.

If you want to know how I really feel about this bastard shoot me a PM.
no he is a 20 year old "hip hop artist" and he isnt even that!! he is terrible but some how he has made millions from crap!! he has posted an apology to all of the troops and they have declined his apology there is a real soldier in the usa army! that has made a rap about him if you ever get a chance and are interested google soulja boy lets be real this is the song where he says his terrible things and then the real soldier Stephen Hobbs us army from kerens texas!! has a song in response to soulja boys called rude awakening!!! and in this song he simply says what it is like to be a real soldier and that the soulja boy is simply a poser no good for nothing POS... there is a nation wide boycott agains soulja boy for his actions!! here is one of the many web sites to describe it better..

hope this helps!! and i hope he gets what is coming..
if you go to the link there are many other links within that page to give more in depth detail
This is exactly what the POS wants publicity i say just ignore him because he is probably the one sprreading this crap you just posted and its working.

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