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polo-dog, Chickamauga, Bass, 9/26/11, Freida
Just had to get out at dusk last night as hadn't hit Chickamauga in a while. Fished the last hour and a half of light and got into some big fish busting bait on a grass line. Had a 6.5lber and a 3.5lber in the boat. Hooked a couple of others but pulled off. Had one on a worm just after sundown but pulled off. That one shot off like a rocket. One hit on a walking bait was a big smallie that came all the way out of the water just to miss my bait. Lots of fun on a short trip. I have a couple of pics but having some 'puter trouble. Will post later. There was about a 10 minute flurry of activity at sundown but before that the fish were very inactive and would just swirl at the bait or just bump up beside it. I think that the two fish that I caught were caught on consecutive casts. Fun to be around active fish and big ones too!

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