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gene0122, Nickajack, Bass / Crappie split day, 10-06-11, Bassert
Headed out of Madtown "early" this morning.<br />Met up with Bassert then we headed on over to the Nick where we had planned on a split bass/crappie day.<br />We started out fishing for the crappie. We found they were not heavily schooled picking up a fish here and there.<br />Pats first crappie was a nice fat 13 incher though. I was catching mostly short fish till I switched out the baby shad for a panfish assassin. I then began catching nicer fish on the pa with one measuring just short of tarp qualification. Sad <br />As we made our way, we came across ole yellbert fishing on some crappie structure. We stopped and talked to him for a bit then Pat suggested we should go see if the bass were still in their pattern and schooling. Were they ever. We started out throwing a few different lures. Pat started out on top water where as I was throwing a spinner. I forget the name of it but its a bass pro version of the little george. We worked the water with both lures for a while without much success. Changed the presentation somewhat (after a tip from pat) and the fish started taking the spinner. I give pat an extra spinner and he starts hooking up also with this presentation. Didn't get an exact count on the total bass today. We think we caught a few more than this but we are going to downgrade and say we finished the day with 21 bass, 10 crappie, and one big high five out to Pat for putting us on the fish.<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /> <br /><br />

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