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Small Stream Exploration
I've spent most of the year fishing stillwaters in Idaho, but I found myself having to go the opposite direction for an early morning meeting. There's a creek that I've been meaning to try since I moved to the area a few years back, and I decided to give it a shot while I was down in the area.

It was a beautiful fall day,
[inline "creek 2 small.JPG"][inline "creek small.JPG"][inline canyon.JPG]
and the trout were prevalent. I fished a few hours and landed 25 and missed or lost several more. I caught an even mix of cutts[inline "cutt small.JPG"][inline "cutt 2 small.JPG"][inline "cutt 3 small.JPG"][inline "cutt 4 small.JPG"]
and browns (who were jumping like bows when hooked).[inline "brown small.JPG"][inline "brown 2 small.JPG"][inline "brown 3 small.JPG"]
I didn't catch anything huge, but they were fun on a 3 wt. I was able to spot several fish feeding at the tails of runs and pick them off one by one, which is always satisfying. I caught them on a rubber legged, foam backed stimulator, and various bead head droppers. The last 45 minutes I was there, a bwo hatch started coming off and the fish really started focusing on them. I've been a slacker with my tying this year and didn't really have any exact imitations, but I still caught several on a green Copper John variation.

All in all a very enjoyable afternoon, and a perfect stress reducer.
That is a cool area to explore. Beautiful fall colors and fish! I guess it's a sort of ok substitute for the Idaho fishing.......[laugh][laugh]
Man I love them small streams in the fall. Nice job.
This time of year is definitely my favorite time to fish streams. It just doesn't seem right if I don't make it out on them at least a couple of times in the fall.

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