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Labman, Riverpark, Bass, 11/23/2011, Nauticman (Birthday trip)
It's not everyday that you reach your 70th Birthday. Since Pete's boat is out of action while getting his trolling motor fixed, I thought I should take him on a Birthday fishing trip. We met at the ramp about 9:00 and Pete was ready to go and try out his new rod and reel. Well the first stop was a "0". We were fishing soft plastics, spinnerbait and live shiners. <br /><br />Moved on to stop #2 and Pete started to light them up. I am usually sticking it to him, but since it was his Birthday and all I thought I should let him catch a few fish before I turned on. Well he caught 3 nice SM and a keeper LM and I was still batting "0". All caught on his new spinning rod. This just ain't right.<br /><br /> Then he has a rod dangling off the back of the boat drowning a shiner. It had been setting there for at least 20 minutes when he grabs it up and sticks a good fish. I am hearing must be a catfish, I can't make any headway in this current, probably a catfish. Now this is on a Berkley Cherrywood rod that is on sale for $9.95 at Academy, it is a wonder it isn't broken already. Pete can be a little tight when it comes to buying fishing rods. I can see the fish is doing the classic SM headshake, but he still thinks it must be a cat, lol. Anyway he finally gets the fish up on his Berkley noodle rod and it is a really nice SM. I do my "netman" routine and get it in the boat. 4 1/2 # and really chunky. Beautiful fish. I thought I was fishing with Drumking, " get the net, take the picture, what's for birthday lunch? emoPoke .<br /><br />Pete ended the day with 6 SM, 2 spots, 1 LM, and 2 White Bass. I had a small spot emoBang I did stick a couple of fish that felt pretty good, but immediately lost them. <br /><br />Had a fun time seeing Pete get the fish going. Hope you had a Happy Birthday. Adding a couple of pics from a couple of days ago along with todays.<br /><br />Regards, Labman

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