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Salmon & Dams, Pesticides & Didymo
Atlantic Salmon Federation News
More Dam Removals Needed for Salmon in Maine
ASF's John Burrows explains in the Portland Press Herald how dam removals are helping Maine's wild Atlantic salmon returns - and that more dams need to be removed.

TV Videos on Dams and Fishways in Maine
A tv station in Maine aired a two segment report on how dams and fishways are being used to restore Maine Rivers, including an interview with ASF's Andy Goode.

More Pesticide Penalties for Aquaculture Firms in NB
In New Brunswick there were more penalties for aquaculture firms failing to follow proper procedures when using chemicals to control sea lice.

Groups Applaud Charges, But Concerned by Upcoming Regulation Changes
A group calling for aquaculture reform applauded Environment Canada's charges related to other illegal chemical use against sea lice involving cypermethrin, but worries changes in regulations will allow greater use of chemicals.

Didymo, An Alien Invasive Species, Strikes at Connecticut River Restoration
Didymo fear leads to slaughter of Connecticut River Atlantic salmon involved in restoration effort. Read more.

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