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LWFC Commission Considers Commercial Net Season on False River
The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries Commission during their February 2 monthly meeting took action to establish a recurring commercial net season on False River in Pointe Coupee Parish. The proposed action would remove the current net ban and allow the use of specified nets to allow commercial fishermen the opportunity to utilize the resource. A commercial season will allow for removal of undesirable rough fish.

In 1991, False River gained trophy status and initiated a largemouth bass management plan. This plan included a slot limit and banned the use of gill nets, trammel nets and seines. The trophy status was rescinded in 1998 and largemouth bass regulations were altered to manage for a lake of special concern. Since the lake is no longer managed under trophy status, the need for a net ban no longer exists.

The proposed season will run from November 1 through the last day of February and is structured in a way to minimize conflict with boaters and recreational anglers.

This recommendation is also supported by the Pointe Coupee Parish Police Jury.

Public comment on the Notice of Intent will be accepted no later than April 5, 2012. Comments should be submitted to Mike Wood, Director, Inland Fisheries, P.O. Box 98000, Baton Rouge, LA 70898-9000 or

LDWF is charged with managing and protecting Louisiana's abundant natural resources. For more information, visit us at, and on Facebook at www.facebook.comldwffbor follow us on Twitter @LDWF.

For press inquiries please contact Ashley Wethey at (225) 765-2396.


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