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oakley feb 4th
we went up to oakley and fished from 9 till 4. started at the trapper creek end and fishing was really slow for us and everyone around. caught 3 1/2 fish but all were very colorful and good sized. ice was 8 inches thick with degrading edges take a plank. About 1 30 we took off and went to goose creek end ice was good as well as edges and about 12 to 14 inches thick. water was still stained pretty bad but walked about 300 yards from the end of the road and had good clear water but i think the bite was already over as we got skunked on that end. Lots of people out and one boat on the reservoir.

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Looks like it was a beautiful day to be out. It appears a lot of other people thought the same thing.
It was a beautiful day, first thing the wind was blowing pretty hard but it calmed down and you couldn't have asked for a better day
Great day to be out. More fat Oakley bows!

I love that picture of the ice fishing with the boat in the background!
That looks like a cool place. Never been there.

[quote cpierce]Great day to be out. More fat Oakley bows!

I love that picture of the ice fishing with the boat in the background![/quote]

Thanks It seemed weird to be out there with a boat trolling around [cool]

[quote windriver]That looks like a cool place. Never been there.


It is a fun place to fish if you ever want to try it let me know either on the hard deck or we could take the boat out

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