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twin lake/ Lamont.
Well started the day at twin lakes got about 3 steps onto the freshly snow covered ice and bam I fell.. still slicker than snot. Also I could smell a skunk really bad.. the ice was 5/6 inches thick where I was.. I was snowing there were 5 other people other than me on the ice fishing was slow to say the best.. my dad had one that broke him off. And I caught a perch that was smaller than my jig.. should have figured the smell of that skunk means something. Then we pack up and headed to Lamont. Ice was 16 inches. Didn't catch a thing had one little nibble. The ice gave me a good scare though.. on the first hole second I reached the bottom of the ice the ice started popping and spiderwebed out from the hole. Any one ever had this happen? The edges were good at Lamont. There were some very thin spots at twin. Open water in a few spots. And the ice. Is slick.
So it sounds like all in all you had a better day getting almost skunked than i did at work [Smile]. Ive never seen ice spider like that and im pretty sure i never wanna see it.
That sucks you didn't have any luck. When I was at twin I had the I e spider under me in a few spots. That is good to hear that the ice is thicker closer to Preston. I think that is where I am going to head next weekend.
It is nice you got to get out and spend some time with your dad. Too bad on the slick ice and that the catching wasn't faster.

Everyone be careful on the ice. A slip can get you a ride to the hospital.

To have the ice spider under me would send me off the ice in about 2 seconds flat!
Went out on twin for a couple hours after work last night drilled 15 holes jigged each one ten min caught one bass. The snow on the ice made it rough so I didn't even slid at all .channel getting more open girl had fun making angels
Nice looking bass. It seems like everywhere has gotten really slow.

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