02-21-2012, 10:00 AM
Maybe I'm nuts for wanting to go below the dam instead of the lake after the trip I had last Friday but I felt like the lake would be super crowded with the weather being so nice. Well I get there a catch a big largemouth (I was guessing 6 1/2) within 45 mins of being there & I thought this is going to be super day for fish catch'n... WRONG.. I loaded the boat up at 4:15 & had maybe caught 7 keepers & some of these were spots that were over 12 inches.. The big fish made it worth it though, biggest for me so far this year. It ended up weighing 7lbs 3 oz's I had the one of the guys from Hamilton County Bass Club weigh it with his scales. They were weighing in at Chick Dam (as you'll notice the background being the ramp from the dam). The big boy got transplanted to Chick lake, hope he likes his new home... I guess if he gets to missing the river he could swim thru the flood gates..lol! Caught him on a swim bait...I was looking behind me when he hit & I thought my line had got caught in a boats prop that was passing by (b/c the strike was so hard). In all fairness I should mention that the swim bait had some buddies swimming along with him too...ha ha..