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offshore, guntersville cfff #1, bass, 2/18/12, Fat Rabbit
Ran down river to our first spot where we had caught em a couple weeks ago. Pulled up and dad catches a short one on about the third cast on the a rig and we're thinkin maybe they're still here. Wrong. Proceeded for the next 4 hrs without a bite working our way back upriver hitting spots shallow and deep throwing mainly traps and a rig. Was marking bait everywhere we stopped just couldnt coax a fish into biting. Finally about 11:30 we found some fish holding on a deep grass line in 6-7 ft of water on the backside of the river channel. Scrounged up a limit of 7.20 lbs culling one time but only by a few ozes. Just couldn't get a big one to bite today. All fish caught today on the mighty alabama rig. Never got a sniff on anything else. After the weigh in we decided to head back out for about an hour to the spot we caught the fish. As we're pulling up we see some fish bust at the surface. Pops looks at me and says "We're gettin ready to wax em now that the tourney is over". We did just that. Had one hammer my rig and get it in the boat. Right at 4 lbs. Caught a few more small keepers and then dad yells at me to get the net. Pulls in the best fish of the day that went 5.11 on the scale. Ended up catching 7 more keepers after we went back out. Wish we could've found those fish a little earlier. Ain't that how it always goes. All in all it was a good day and at least we avoided the rain. Always enjoy the time fishing with my dad as it somehow ends up being a competition between us whether its a tourney or not. Pops got the best of me today. Congrats to the winners on a great bag of fish. Look forward to the next one!

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