02-27-2012, 10:00 AM
Colby did not show again. emoBang Looks like I will be looking for a new partner if someone will have me. I had a great day fishing but a poor day catching quality. I boated 13 bass(unlucky number) out of the 13 I only had two small keepers, one white and 10 short. In listening to everyone I did not fish shallow enough. emoDoh Like the idiot I can sometimes be, when I did not find them in about 10 foot as I had been I moved deeper.....WRONG freaking way! Should have gone shallower. I was throwing the jinxed TN rig off a point and finally had a train take it. Set the hook and the rod loaded up big times. I tried to turn it and it just went limp. Reeled it in and one of my three baits were gone. emoHoppingmad Must not have had it clipped correctly and it was straighten out....I hate that bait. emoAngry I caught my fish I caught on worms and blades.<br /><br />Everything worked well today, no boat issues or motor issues, got to see a lot of friends and meet some new ones. emoThumbsup Got there at 5:30 a.m. to take money and late entries. Was there last night until 7:00 p.m. closing the books and making sure all was well with Glenda. I am getting too old to be doing those 14 hour days. emoGeezer I was one burned out trooper yesterday. I would like to thank all who fished and helped us. It was smooth and all went well to my knowledge. We did polygraphs on this one and it caused it to take longer but this year we plan to have a couple surprise polygraphs to keep everyone honest and not to tempt anyone. Thanks to the other officers and a big thanks to Glenda, she has one of the worst jobs this year.....putting up with me. emoThanks Jmax