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lake trout in utah lake? yep/ walleye report/with pics
First off I've had a spider in my bed biting me at night it started sat night,took my bed apart cleaned the whole room, go to work sleep wake up and a couple more bites, scratching the bites all night making them even worse,no sleep oh well a guy's gotta go to work,wens/night felt two bumps on my arm and then 15mins latter I found thirty bumps.. oh sh::: sure enough chicken pox.. my mom said I. Had a small case when I was yo
oung so I could get them again.. hmm and I had war on a spider lol.. soi took Thursday off and went fishing at provo harbor the bass were hiting good but I was after walleye, fished all day and caught a few bass but no eyes, I saw one female caught around five pounds. Then the guy next to me that was there all day finally reeled in a nice walleye,wait ,what is that? Nooo way it is..... a freaking lake trout!! I've heard about a lot of weird fish coming out of that lake and even a lantern that was still lit but a lake trout.... where in the heck could that have come from??.........
with out a picture its just another fish story.
I second what danielc said. But I believe they planted those in there way back in the black and white days.
If so It had to be from an emergency dump from a stocking truck. That's about like getting a brook trout out of there.
Yep, quite the claim. Lake trout in Utah Lake, hmm. Like stated, I know they were once in there so it's not impossible but I don't believe that it would be a 'survivor' from back in the day. It would be pretty cool if I was wrong though, just to be honest.
I know you expected to be hounded with "where are the pics?" so....where are the pics?
I don't think it was planted because it didn't have any marks on it,no damaged fins,it was in great shape.. and your damn right I have pics of it,who wouldn't its a freaking lake trout out of utah lake!! But I'm not sure the guy would appriciate his face all over a big forum.? And I don't have a computer I just use my phone to get on here.
Send them to TD, he can crop the guys face out and post em. My guess is that it could be a splake or tiger trout that came down one of the rivers. Send em to TD !!!!
If you have a smart phone, download the free app 'pic say' it allows you to edit photos, crop cut blur.
I'd like to see this fish. Kind of wondering if it is a washed out brown?
When I see the pic then I will believe it.
DWR trades with other states for all kinds of things and when they get lake trout they put them where they cant multiply I've seen them in bountiful pond.
Send it to me, I'll crop it for you.
[cool][#0000ff]I am also questioning the ID of the laker. Unless it was planted illegally by someone bringing it from a mack habitat it would have no other way of getting into Utah Lake...that is with fins intact, etc. DWR does plant spawned out lakers in a few of the community ponds, and they do dump spawner rainbows in the lower Provo at times. Could have mixed a mack in the dump...but questionable if it had all its fins. The ones they put in the community ponds usually do not have enough tail fin or other fins left to even qualify as fish.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Interestingly, some of the first immigrants to reach the Utah Valley reported on the "lake trout" in Utah Lake. Of course those were the native cutthroat but they were also referred to as brook trout and speckled trout. A bit of sloppy biology. I am attaching a PDF file of one of those early reports.[/#0000ff]
i am with you. but way back when the dwr did try lakers in dc. they didnt make it. but who knows they do live 50 plus yrs. makes me wonder ??? but still dowt...
[cool][#0000ff]As a member of the "mack pack" I know you know there is a lot more to it than "maybe". Those fishies need deep cold water to survive. Utah Lake ain't neither. Even Deer Creek is not deep enough or cold enough...except under the keep even a determined survivor mack alive very long.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]And the ones that DWR plants in the community ponds don't live very long if they are not harvested.[/#0000ff]
Hey joshomaru that's a cool app!! But when I go to export there's no link to bft, but I'm. A dumb a.. when it comes to these things... oh well I don't really care if people believe me or not, it just got my mind a going... where could this fish have came from? It was about 20" and if they don't switch to a fish diet they don't get big, so who knows how old it could be.
Export to your sd card, then upload pic from your sd card instead of your gallery.
a man can wish cant he...???... but chuck and i have graffed some thing very interesting a few yr back when one could fish closer to the damn on the bottom were alot of very big marks 90 ft. maybee walleyes?? maybee browns??
Send a picture message to someone and let them post it for you.
Send me a pm with the pic in it. If you want me to post it for you with the persons face blurred out I can do that. I can replace him with Obama if you want, that way we know he's telling the truth...[angelic]

I'll let the pictures do the talking.
[inline "BFT Laker1.png"]
[inline "BFT Laker2.png"]

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