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new guy and some flies I tied
I'm new here, but not new to fly fishing. Thought I'd share a few pics as to what I'm tying these days.

Like I said, I'm new around here- hard headed, and don't read instructions, so if the pics DON'T load this time....well I'll figure it out eventually.

[url] IMG-20120327-00448.jpg
[url] IMG-20120327-00450.jpg

Edit- maybe I won't figure it out tonight-
Maybe I'll try again after I get back off the river tomorrow.
If anyone wants to do the "posting pics"101 for me feel free, I promise I will post a few more pics than the 2 I'm trying to share.
When I open this reply window there is a tab called "choose file" right below this window. Click on that and you'll have to find pics on your computer that you want to share.

Open your picture file folder and choose one then click on open then click on upload.
Did all of that-

I'm headed. To the river, when I get back, I'll figure it out...maybe.

Thanks for the reply, OLD.
Welcome to the site Tageater, you are likely checking the inline box and that is why you pics do not show up. If that is the problem, then one of the mods on this board could go in and uncheck it or you could when you get back from fishing.
Dont know what the difference is, but unchecking them worked- later guys, I've got fish to catch!
Thanks for the help.
[quote tageater]Dont know what the difference is, but unchecking them worked- later guys, I've got fish to catch!
Thanks for the help.[/quote]
Not a problem, here is a step by step method of posting pics: [url ";forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread"];forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;page=unread#unread[/url]
The difference on having the inline box checked is, you have to follow the method listed at the link above to get your pics to post inline, other wise never check that box. Seems they could have made it easier but it is what it is.
By the way, nice flies, you must catch some big fish with them.
Inline pic below:

[inline blmack03-10-12.jpg]
Nice ties. Those Sculpin Heads and Fish Skulls are awesome. Bigger flies means bigger gear, what are you flipping? 8 Weight?
You going to be tying at the Wasatch Expo? They are still signing up tiers.
Back from a long afternoon.

I got NO love on the streamers today, but picked up 6 nymphin, and 3 on the dries.

Godess, I have a 4 and a 6 wt- the 4 is what I used today, and in the wind, I'll just say it wasn't pretty....but its plenty of rod for my lighter streamers. IMO.

I won't be tying at the expo, I'll be working the entire time of it, and I'm not social enough to do anything like that anyway.

Glad ya'll like the flies, and now that I have good instructions on how to post pics, I will for sure be adding more pics soon.
casting a 4" to 6" hair streamer with a four are my new hero[cool]

Yea that wind was brutal. I did play with some 3" streamers and had a good time but on an 8 wt. plus that Sage 230 grain line is awesome in the wind.

If you want to have the pictures IN your post, I can help you with that.
I don't mind if the pics just show up as a link, I aint THAT picky-
I'll figure things out the more I'm in here.

Like I said, in the wind with the wasn't pretty!

In fact if you looked up "ugly casting" in the dictionary, that was me today

But when its calm...I will cast all day without too much of an issue-until I hook into a 25" hog. That's when I like the 6 wt.

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