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D.C. tube report
hit the water as the sun came up with big bro in tow flipped out 50 yards and FISH ON (a small bow that through the hook after 30 sec) but good sign anyway. 100 yards later and another 15in bow i held this one after that i flipped till i could flip no more and decided to hit the river, as i flipped my way to the launch BAM something wanted that fly i tied last week reilly badly and it felt big. got it in the net and i was stund 19in brown on the way home that rocks it wasn't the walleye i hoped for but it was a great birth day present from deer creek and a good trip. hit the river (middle provo) on the way home were big bro schooled me in on some small browns all in all great morning and birth day all fish are still swimming and i am trying to come up with excuses as to why i have to go back next week end but the wife is sick of me caching all the fish so shill probly leev me home
TM Happy Birthday! What a great way celebrate. Thanks for showing your pic of the beauty brown.
Sounds like the DC gave up her goods for the birthday boy! Glad you were able to have a great time at a great water on a great day! Thanks for posting!
Happy Birthday and RIGHT ON!
Purdy Brown!!
Hey... I caught a nice brown on a tiny fly.

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