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Strike Crappie 4-23
Got to Cottonwood around 3:00. Didn't get any fish for about an hour, then they switched on. Got a fish more or less every cast until I left at 6:00 AM.
Met a friend while I was there, and between the two of us we filled about two and a half buckets of fish over 10". They were still biting when I left. Lots of nice 11"-12" crappies, with a handful that went a little over 13". Still have fillets in the freezer from last year, so I just did C&R and gave them away. No pictures this time, but it was one of my best days at CJ ever. I'd estimate I caught well over 150 fish.

Get down there while the weather holds out.
Cool thanks for the tip. I figured with a little warm weather they would start bitting. Thanks Again!

Superb! thanks for the report!
Ran down for a few hours after Avery got out of school. They word is out because there was a ton of people fishing. Had people at arms reach on each side of me most of the time. Mostly 8 - 9" black males but I seen a couple 12" inchers caught. The best basket I saw maybe had 30 fish. Everyone said it was better a couple days ago but the campers where waiting for dark to fish. I could see balls of fish flashing and the males staking out territory for nests. Finally put on a chubby and started making them made to get bites. Came home with 1/2 a bucket in a couple hours. If the weather holds out tomorrow maybe I'll hit the narrows in the boat. Amazing how things change in 4 or 5 days.

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