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After going to Mantua for the first time last sunday and getting skunked I decided to give it another try yesterday. I headed up with a couple friends (one of which has never really fished much) and got on the lake just before 7:00 am. We fished along the shore north of the hill but it didn't seem like the fish were really up in the shallows yet, but my friend managed to pull out his first ever bass anyways. Not a big fish by any means but your first time catching a bass is always fun. Shortly after that first fish he hooked a second, this time it was a pretty decent sized one. Of course the kid that has never caught anything other than at trout farms catches all the fish. After that we each caught a few more small ones, and a few on the fly rod. Then on our way back to the boat ramp we trolled some spinners and managed to get a couple decent trout. Mantua is a pretty fun little pond, I don't know why I've never gone up there all these years, especially considering it was only about a 30 min drive for me.
We also went up to Hyrum for the first time this week. I've heard everyone talking about how hot that place was but man they weren't kidding, we were getting bites as fast as we could get our lines in the water. Just small planter rainbows but its still fun when you are catching fish nonstop. We caught them on everything. Spinners, spoons, and we seemed to get the most on small brown trout rappalas. It would be an awesome place to take your kids just to get them into lots of fish quick. The four of us that went caught our limits within about an hour.
Both lakes were lots of fun, I think its safe to say I'll be making a lot more trips up there this summer.
Great job on the fishing.....oh wait catching in this case!
Thank you! Although I'm usually much better at fishing than I am at catching.

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