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New to Idaho and Bigfishtackle
Hi everyone,
I figured I would introduce myself. Im originally from the suburbs of Chicago (miserable) and am about to graduate from the University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point with a major in Fisheries Management. I took a temperary technician job in Idaho this summer/fall before appling for graduate school. I will be leaving late next week and spending a week or two in the henry's lake, henry's fork, teton area before reporting to Salmon, ID from mid June till mid July. After that I will be based out of Mccall, ID from mid July till mid October. I will be bringing a 14ft boat with 25hp motor and I am on a eight days on six days off schedule. I have done plenty of trout fishing in Wisconsin but I am new to fly fishing and looking foward to learning. (I am really into aquatic invertabrate indentification from a class I had to take). I am completely open to comments and suggestions for fishing anywhere for anything. I am obviously excited for trout fishing, but being a midwestoner I definately will need to get my smallmouth, walleye (salmon falls creek resevior), musky (tiger musky) fix. If anyone wants to pm me or join me fishing on my days off, by all means I am interested, I will keep everyone update, hope to meet a few of you!
Welcome! You will be a good addition to our discussions and reports.

You will be arriving at an interesting time for fishing up in that area. Henrys opens a little before memorial day and it is a zoo for awhile. Hebgen might be a good alternative if it is too crowded.

Some rivers may be high and some tributaries might be closed. You will have to check the regulations pretty carefully.

Not trying to throw a wet towel. There are LOTS of good places to fish up there, just be flexible!
Welcome[cool] We have a great forum. You should be able to get plenty of use out of that boat. Henry's could be good by Monday (memorial day) since I know the warmer weather is causing those cutts to spawn early. Most of Utah will be there that weekend but since they won't be catching the piles of 16" cutts at the boat dock they may give you room to fish come monday.[Smile][Smile]
Welcome Aboard . With your boat you will be able to get away from the crowds and try for some bigger fish . Curt G.
Hello and welcome to Idaho! I live in Teton Valley and Frequent most the lakes on the east side of the state here as well as a few lakes in Western Wyoming with monster lake trout. PM me if you would like to team up while your here in the Teton area!
Welcome to the site. You are in good hands on the east side of the state. Curt69 has given me great advice on Henry's Lake in the past, and is generous with his advice. I can tell you that you are in McCall at a good time. Cascade can be great fishing in the fall for lunker trout. Since you are in McCall you can head out any evening for macs. Lots of big fish in there. My wife's last fish was 33 pounds, and we released it! Your boat is fine, but you will need a depth locator and a downrigger, for the best success. When you get up there, we can talk in more specifics. Mike
Thanks everyone,
I definately very excited to be out there and the idea of lake trout, fly fishing and trout in general. I am definately up for any kind of fishing and appreciate people's input and interest. I will definately ask Curt69 for any advise he can give.
Hi if I can be any help when you need it . I sure will . I am not a fly fisherman , but I can help with trolling or bait fishing . there are some great fly fishers on here and I am sure that will help if that is your cup of tea. Curt G.
welcome aboard [cool]
I'm also new to Idaho. I'm anxious to try out the different bodies of water as well.

I see you are a fisheries student. I went to school for Wildlife and Fisheries a few years ago at South Dakota State in Brookings, SD. I've worked on crews in South Dakota and Kansas. Good times.

If you are looking for people to fish with, give me a shout.


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