05-20-2012, 04:53 AM
made it out yesterday and today. the water is high but no wear near what it was last year during the salmon season. yesterday morning i fished the confluence just by memorial bridge with roe and tuna balls couldnt keep the squaw fish off the eggs and never touched anything else. yesterday evening i hit the road and worked my way up the river talking to people to figure out how high the fish have made it. i ended up talking to quite a few people (who were all friendly i might add.) from hog island all the way up to cherry lane and not a single person had touched any fish all day long. but all had said they heard of fish being caught on the northfork and up above it.
this morning i made it out to a good hole up river around 7:00am fished with tuna balls a roe and again i couldnt keep the chicken peckers off the eggs. i had one solid hit but im not sure if it was a salmon or not. got a visit from a F&G counter and she told me she checked fish at 6:30 this morning on the north fork and at the boat ramp above orphino this morning. ( man the fish are moving fast.) i broke for lunch and headed back in to the valley. after some food and a little rest i got lucky and talked the wife and kids into heading out with me.
we got to the spot around 3:30pm and started fishing. i decided i was tired of the egg thieves so i went with tuna balls all the way around. about a half hour later had my first on fought it for a little bit and pulled the hook as it made a mad dash down river using the swift current to its advantage. then around 6:00 pm i hooked another one i could tell right off the bat it was a good fish and i fought it for a good 10 minutes. it worked its way down stream around some submerged willows where i started to try and work the fish towards my wife waiting with the net. well just as my wife went to slide the net under the fish it spooked from the movment and dove right into the willows about three feet down. there was nothing i could do. fish looked like it would have made 20 lbs. at least my wife and kids got to get a good look at it before it got off. back to fishing again 7:45 pm hook up again this time the fish books it up stream wrong move in this hole fish i knew i had him as soon as he went up instead of down very short fight with lots of nasty head shakes and me turning the fish out of submerged willows. got it in front of my wife and she scooped up the nice wild fish. had to cut the line because both the main hook and trailer hook were buried in the fish and i wanted to get it back asap. a quick pic and the fish was back on its journey. fished for about 20 more minutes and never had any other bites. we will be back out first thing in the morning things are about to heat up around here. take a look at the pic bellow.
this morning i made it out to a good hole up river around 7:00am fished with tuna balls a roe and again i couldnt keep the chicken peckers off the eggs. i had one solid hit but im not sure if it was a salmon or not. got a visit from a F&G counter and she told me she checked fish at 6:30 this morning on the north fork and at the boat ramp above orphino this morning. ( man the fish are moving fast.) i broke for lunch and headed back in to the valley. after some food and a little rest i got lucky and talked the wife and kids into heading out with me.
we got to the spot around 3:30pm and started fishing. i decided i was tired of the egg thieves so i went with tuna balls all the way around. about a half hour later had my first on fought it for a little bit and pulled the hook as it made a mad dash down river using the swift current to its advantage. then around 6:00 pm i hooked another one i could tell right off the bat it was a good fish and i fought it for a good 10 minutes. it worked its way down stream around some submerged willows where i started to try and work the fish towards my wife waiting with the net. well just as my wife went to slide the net under the fish it spooked from the movment and dove right into the willows about three feet down. there was nothing i could do. fish looked like it would have made 20 lbs. at least my wife and kids got to get a good look at it before it got off. back to fishing again 7:45 pm hook up again this time the fish books it up stream wrong move in this hole fish i knew i had him as soon as he went up instead of down very short fight with lots of nasty head shakes and me turning the fish out of submerged willows. got it in front of my wife and she scooped up the nice wild fish. had to cut the line because both the main hook and trailer hook were buried in the fish and i wanted to get it back asap. a quick pic and the fish was back on its journey. fished for about 20 more minutes and never had any other bites. we will be back out first thing in the morning things are about to heat up around here. take a look at the pic bellow.