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Cabo Bite Report
[#000000][size 4]FLYHOOKER SPORTFISHING[/size][/#000000]
[#000000]Captain George Landrum[/#000000]
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[#000000]Cabo Fish Report[/#000000]
[#000000] May 14-20, 2012[/#000000]

[#000000][#000000]WEATHER: [/#000000][#000000]Imay have been premature in my declaration last week that it wassummertime in Cabo. The week started with the summer feeling but onWednesday night the wind started to blow and when we got up onThursday morning the thermometer showed a cool 67 degrees, the windblew all day and it never got above 80 degrees that I saw. On Fridaymorning it dropped still more to a low of 62 degrees, downrightchilly for here! The wind started to taper off in the early morningand then died to nothing, it warmed to about 85 degrees and onSaturday we were back to normal with the morning low at 73 degrees,same on Sunday. What was interesting was on Friday a fog bank movedin from the Sea of Cortez. It was just marine fog, not getting muchfarther than one mile inland, but it moved in really fast as fartoward Cabo as Grey Rock, then several hours later moved right onback. There was no rain this week but we did have decent dew in themornings, as well as some moisture from the fog.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000] WATER: [/#000000][#000000]Thewater was both perfect and perfectly awful this week. Bad to hear,and worse for anglers, but the currents and winds have a way of doingthings you cannot predict. We started the week with wonderful waterconditions, which was nice since Cabo was once again hosting the IGFAOffshore Championship. This event involves teams from around theworld who must have won a qualifying event to be invited. We startedthe week with water between Cabo and the East Cape at 75-77 degreesand those temperatures held for Tuesday, but there was a smallintrusion of cooler water about 15 miles offshore, just to theoutside of the 1150 area. On Wednesday the water to the Gorda Bankshad cooled to 70 degrees but at the East Cape we were still seeing 76degree water. Wednesday night the winds picked up and the currentfrom the Pacific side came on strong so that on Thursday morning thesame area between Cabo and San Jose had dropped to 60 degrees and thePunta Gorda/Frailes area was only 65 degrees, and a bit dirty. Onthe Pacific side the water became very rough due to the winds, at theend of the week we had water as cold as 55 degrees along the coastand extending past the Cape to the southwest 50 miles. That waterwas very dirty and green. The surface conditions moderated over theweekend but the water remained cold and dirty.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BAIT: [/#000000][#000000]MostlyCaballito with some Mullet this week, but there were a few Mackerelshowing at the end of the week, probably due to the cool water. Inthe San Jose area the Sardinas were available at the beginning of theweek but the cold water at the end of the week forced them muchfurther north. The larger baits were the normal $3 each while theSardinas, if you could find them, were running between $20 and $25 ascoop.[/#000000][/#000000]
[#000000] FISHING:[/#000000]
[#000000][#000000]BILLFISH[/#000000][#000000]: Probably the best way to explain the Marlin bite this week is with are-cap of the IGFA Offshore Championship results. Striped Marlinwere the target of 47 teams competing for the title and they fishedfor four days, Monday through Thursday. For the first three days thenumber of bites increased later and later in the day. This was aresult of the warmer water slowly moving away from our area. Dayone, Monday, resulted in 139 Striped Marlin released and two Doradocaught. Most of the fish were found around the 1150 to the San JoseCanyon but boats traveling to the Punta Gorda area did even better. On day two there were 152 Striped Marlin released as the anglers andboats zeroed in on the fish concentrations, running there instead oftrolling. Once again there were plenty of fish seen in the San JoseCanyon, fewer at the 1150 and the best bite was off of Punta Gordaand the Vinorama area. Day three had the boats running farther asthe cool water started to be felt and the results reflected the factwith only 102 released for the day, along with one Dorado caught. Onday four the wind was howling and the currents had pushed the coldwater across the entire area. All that you heard on the tournamentradio channel were questions on water temperatures and if anyone hadfound fish. The results speak strongly of the Striped Marlinspreferred temperature as there were only 8 Striped Marlin releasedfor the day. The bite remained off for the remainder of the week asthe cold water maintained its influence in our area.[/#000000][/#000000]
YELLOWFIN TUNA: Offshore action for Yellowfin was slow tonon-existent for almost everyone, but a few boats did manage to findsome football to 30 pound fish due south early in the week. The fishwere mixed with Porpoise but did not remain in the area. There wereno Tuna caught by the tournament boats, even though Tuna over #30were worth points.
[#000000]DORADO: The few Dorado I saw were caughtearly in the week before the water temperature dropped. As thetournament results show, there were only three decent Dorado caughtby 47 boats fishing for 4 days. All the fish I saw and heard of camefrom the Sea of Cortez side of the Cape.[/#000000]
[#000000]WAHOO: I did not hear of any Wahoo caughtthis week, and the tournament boats fishing Vinorama and Los Fraileswere in the perfect zone to get a few, but had no fish reported.[/#000000]
[#000000] INSHORE: For boats and anglers wantingsomething besides Marlin this week, inshore was the way to go. Pompano have shown up in good numbers, averaging 6-9 pounds. Greateating fish and fun to fight, most of them, as a mater of fact all ofthem, were caught on the Cortez side of the Cape. There were somescattered Yellowtail and Sierra as well, but the numbers of Sierradropped off a bit from last week. Mix in some decent Snapper andsome Amberjack and there was action and meals to be had fishinginshore. Oh, there were also some small Roosterfish found as well![/#000000]
[#000000]FISH RECIPE: Check the blog for this weeksrecipe! [/#000000]
[#000000]NOTES: It's Sunday and time for the morningbeach walk with the pup. I don't think I am going into the water,it's too cold for me but the pup loves it. This weeks report waswritten to the music of the Eagles off of an old mix CD I have hadfor a long time. We have our toes and fingers crossed that thecurrents change again and bring back the warm blue water! Until nextweek, tight lines![/#000000]

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