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Tagged fish!
I am intrigued about catching a tagged fish and i dunno why. Does anyone know where one would fish if they were looking for a tagged fish? Thanks!
Yep I tagged 49 of them my self last year. As far as I know only two have been caught. Ron
I just caught one in the camground at birch creek last night. its still there with the tag still in it.
There are tagged rainbows released in and below CJ Strike. Some even have reward tags.
ive caught 6 or 7 tagged bass at strike and 2 had 10$rewards and a bud got a 100$ reward from brownlee
i thought they tagged a ton of bows in the henrys fork that had cash available also. but you had to keep them cause they were tagged with a micro chip in their head, this is likely outdated
I could be wrong but i think that was on the south fork of the snake to try to combat the rainbow population growth. The did it to try to get anglers to keep the bows to get them out of the river.
your more then likely correct, i read it some where a while ago
Yeah it was on the south fork but I think that idea was a huge failure! An angler had to keep the heads of the fish and take them into F&G in Idaho falls to see if they won anything...very inconvenient!
Jabink is correct, as it is the South Fork that IDF&G has tagged the rainbows. If you catch one, please release it...

We'd rather catch 2 rainbows, than a dozen of those sissy cutthroats!! Yeah yeah, I know...."the cutthroats are such a pretty fish, and the rainbows aren't "native"..."

Unfortunately it isn't about which fish fight harder or are larger. It's about who will control the fishing in our part of the state. If the native fish numbers get too low, then they will be declared endangered, and the Feds will call the tunes on our waters. They could even completely close them to all recreational or agricultural use. That would be devastating!

I don't know about you, but I would do just about anything to keep the decision making on our waters local. The way to do that is to preserve the native cutthroats now. Thankfully F&G know this and are proactive in keeping a listing from happening. As long as we show the Feds that we are protecting and restoring the cutts and their habitat, then they probably won't be declared endangered, and we keep control.

F&G doesn't intend to completely remove the rainbows from the South Fork. That would be unrealistic as well as unnecessary. They just need to keep the rainbows' numbers in balance with the cutthroats, as well as keep them from cross breeding. The numbers of rainbows on the South Fork were going up very quickly for several years. I am not sure what the ratios are currently. Anyway the tags were just one way to try and balance the numbers out.

Do your part fishermen and keep the rainbows on the South Fork of the Snake.
I do love the fight a rainbow gives but I have to agree completely with cpierce on this one. Keep a few rainbows and be careful when you handle those cutties.

On a side note did anyone on this site actually turn in any rainbow heads from the SF when f&g did that?
A buddy of mine caught a tagged trout at Lucky Peak a couple weeks ago. One of the Cabelas million dollar fishing contest tagged fish. He let it go because he hadn't registered yet!

Not what you guys are talking about but when I read the subject line it reminded me of the tagged fish contest.
Thank you all for the info, Now to get out there and try to locate the tagged fish.
Sorry, I sidetracked the post a bit. The original poster does want to catch a tagged fish. Cabela's tags would be a great catch if you are registered.

Idaho Power company tags a lot of the fish they plant in their reservoirs.

I know that F&G also tagged a bunch of fish in American Falls Res. They are trying to see how many show up below the reservoir.

So there are a bunch of fish out there sporting jewelry!
We have caught 6 at Little Camas in the last month. All this years planters, small about 8".
I caught 6 or 8 tagged trout at Deirkes Lake last fall/winter and early this spring.
cabella's tagged fish at cj strike, cascade, lake couer d alene.

Registered participants may only catch and log eligible fish during the Fishing Period, and must photograph their fish with an eligible tag showing and still attached, prior to removing the tag and releasing the fish. If a registered participant catches a tagged fish during the Fishing Period, he/she must return to the Website and log-in using the username and password created at registration, and complete and submit a catch log that must include the upload of the photo of the tagged fish, with tag still attached, among other information regarding the details of the fish and catch location. A participant may only log a tagged fish that has been caught by the participant themselves. A participant may NOT log a tagged fish that has been caught by any other individual. The fish must be a member of the Eligible Species, listed below. All photos submitted become the property of Cabela's and may be used for promotional or publicity purposes, including but not limited to on social media sites, such as Facebook. By submitting a photo you agree to the release of the photo for said purposes.
This is straight from Dan Garren's mouth:

We are tagging fish with coded wire tags (not visible to the human eye) as part of our angler incentive program. The ultimate intent of that program is to thin down the rainbows and hybrids with harvest. We have also done other tagging in the past with tags you can see - that was part of a statewide return to the creel program.
Thank you everyone for the information, I will keep everyone updated on the quest!

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