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My husband and I are thinking about a get away for our anniversary and he wants to try Paddock. From everything I have read, the roads are bad and it may or may not just be a mud hole. Has anyone been up there this year? If so, is it worth the trip? Thanks in advance!
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That question keeps coming up but I have not heard anyone chime in on it this year. Use to be a great place to go. Hope someone will share what they know.
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Thanks! Well if nobody has been I think we may take a day trip this weekend and I will post an update of what I find.
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I don't know but I would like to hear if you go.
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I asked this question a few weeks ago and got nothing but crickets. Used to go there alot, I know it dired up or sent really low a few years back, and I am wondering if it has come back yet...
The dirt road in is kind of sketchy, or it used to be. I used to take the float tube, and inflatable pontoon boat a few years ago, maybe 5 years ago was the last time.
As a kid we used to take the 16ft jet boat there and catch lots of crappie and bass, a few cats also.
I would take thebass boat over there if it was good again.
i will be watching this post and i will also ask a few folks i know over near payette and fruitland.
Thanks for asking this question again.
I know the road is paved, except for the last 10 or 16 miles....long time ago to remember.
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Here is my Paddock report, I'm not sure what it looked like before they drained it but its low, very low. Depending on your boat you would be hard pressed to navigate from the looks of things on land. I didn't take the boat today just fished from shore, lots of weeds I lost some tackle but I did manage to land a few small large mouth bass. The road is rough but not impossible. My two cents if I didn't live close I don't think I would make the trip, there are better places to go. Hopefully the water level will raise in the next few years. I can tell by where they put the bathrooms that it used to be much higher, even the docks next to the boat ramp are 30-40 feet from the water level. If you have questions ask away!
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Well, thanks for saving me the trip.
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cdennis -- thanks for the report. Is the boat ramp up towards the dam still in the water?
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Yes, it was steep but still in the water. A small flat bottom or river runner should have no issue at least from what I saw from shore.