06-24-2012, 09:00 AM
We fished the Tuesday night tx out of Harrison bay, since I have the CBA this weekend I figured I'd go se what I could put together. I was kind of leaning towards possibly not fishing it since I have plans on Sunday and would rather sleep than stay up all weekend, but Tuesday night I think changed my mind. We started in a slough with a large grass flat in the back of it and got a 3 off a shakey right away, over the next 30 minutes caught two more short fish and right when were about to move I got a hit on a 10" worm and it started pulling drag like crazy. Finally got her to the boat and my scales are dead but I figured she was between 5 and 6. Decided to hang out for a few and started throwing a trap on the edges of the grass, third cast with the trap it got slammed, one close to 4 came straight out of the water then went straight under the boat, came back around and jumped again, this time I could see my trap was hooked weird, she started thrashing, threw the hook and was gone in the blink of an eye. emoBang Caught another 2lber to fill my limit and that was it. Right before weigh in I checked my fish and the 2 looked bad so we let it go. Ended up with 8.5 pounds with the big one going 5.56 which was good for big fish and a 100$. Really wish I could have gotten that 4 because we would have been real close to the winning weight. emoRolleyes Oh well, seems to be my luck last few tx's I've fished.