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I couldnt sleep good at all probly because all the smoke in my head from that fire going on the mountain that woke me up so I woke up around 6 am and I decided to go to silver lake and big cotton wood creek. Got up there 7 am ish first tried big cotton wood creek I saw brookies zooming past by but no love on fly rod or silver fox. Then end up going to silver lake looking around why are there so many people [crazy] got a nice front row parking spot [cool] went to the west side dock and waded in the water only a few bites on fly rod the end. Later i pulled out my secret bait [angelic] toss it less then 30 second bam first fish of the day. I end up with catching 5 fish only one keeper and let go those dink fish to there own life. The horse flys came out and they were only attacking me so it looks like they didn't like me at all so i balled out and off to my car. Mean while while fishing gosh >_< the parade ehhhh it was so obnoxious sirens and honking horns gosh what a stupid parade. Its like being trapped in a room of hungry full of demolishing apes.
Getting in my car driving down..... Car car car cars everywhere off the right to left parked down in the canyon. Not a fun drive at all. Needed to get drink and ice for fishy at 7/11 and so for a few min i was thinking why do my parents shopping stuff now when i can go to my secret spot for some bass, bluegill, and sunfish fun. I got there around 12 or later because i sorda got lost but at least i saw my old dentist place so i knew after all the years going through this are i know there's a way out of here and off to blast to my spot.. Walked around caught my fish on jigs, zebra midge, prince nymph, elk hair caddis, and once and for all I got bass on fly popers ^_^. I feel so success full caught some bass off of it after it sits in my fly box for years.
End of day 29 fish. All bass, bluegill, and sunfish were safly returned into water  . It was a blast and hope i can go back to my spot once again to catch some more bass bluegills and sun fish. I was surprise how good the blue gills and sun fish fight on fly rod gosh they go nuts when they get hooked XD
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You building an aquatic sample tray? I think all but one of those were bite size! [  ]
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oh well but at least i had an amazing day using new things for once that worked finally. Those poppers were sitting in my tackle box for 3+ years and I saw bass jumping so i decided to try and it was worth it. Aquatic sample tray??? But you gota admit that looks like a great day to experiment what you got and catch them on all I used today.
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I think it's great. I catch mass quantities of dinky fish, so know that I'm just ribbing you in jest.
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[quote Flyfishinglover] Mean while while fishing gosh >_< the parade ehhhh it was so obnoxious sirens and honking horns gosh what a stupid parade. Its like being trapped in a room of hungry full of demolishing apes.[/quote]
your right, how rude that folks celebrate the 4th of July with a parade what on earth were they thinking!
Maybe that parade was to thank the fire fighters that are currently fighting the fire you talk about.... but wait, no one would want a parade to thank them, right?
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[quote Flyfishinglover] Mean while while fishing gosh >_< the parade ehhhh it was so obnoxious sirens and honking horns gosh what a stupid parade. Its like being trapped in a room of hungry full of demolishing apes. [/quote]
Are you serious?
Just have to shake my head sometimes.
Great fishing report by the way.
THANK YOU KOCHANUT for what you do so that people can feel this way.
I for one can't thank you enough for what you do for out country.
Live to hunt----- Hunt to live.
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I understand the parade but it took over 1hr of listening to Obnoxious sounds. I'm sure in life they use th horn to get to dear inaction and when there turn it off not have it going on for a long time to scare the people fishes and I'm sure those sirens and horns made the horse flies mad they just all wanted to attack me XD
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It was was going well over 1 hr just in Brighton. That small block doesn't take 1 hr of sounds going around and around >_<. At least they were nothing comparing the drive down hill. Cars parked everywhere no fun. Wish I had video head can but nope .
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Thank you military and everyone else involved so that I can have the opportunity to go fishing!
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+2. spot, going to silver lake and complaining about noise, crowds, traffic, parking or anything else is like killing someone and then complaining about the conditions in prison.
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A little clarification... I did not reply to the OP to inflate my ego, or try to receive any thanks or praise, I love what I do and who I do it for. I replied to inform the OP the significance of the date that he went fishing. Did I likely come off like a jerk? I sure did, hence why I am not deleting what I said.
Flyfishinglover, that annoyance you speak off, horns honking, people cheering, parades going on, is one of the few days of the year that folks here in the states celebrate the birth of their nation, in unison. I can appreciate the fact that you are not originally from here and some of this may be odd behavior to you. However, the 4th of July is quiet a big deal to those of us that call this great nation home. Did all of the horn honking and cheering get old after a while? I am willing to bet, that to anyone it did, but that one day, those few hours that to you were annoying, is a way for an American to celebrate their independence the way they see fit.
I'm sorry a few hundred red bloodied Americans Annoyed you and made your fishing crappy. I enjoyed your post up until a certain point and will continue to enjoy them. I do how ever invite you to see the home coming of a fallen American hero and then think about that annoyance, it might be worth one or two hours of honking, horns, and cheering crowds if you look at it from another angle.
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Military can be a life/job choice. I thank you as well, plus many in landers like the fire fighters, police (only the good ones though...LOL) list goes on right down to that kid that gathers shopping carts so they don't hit my car[  ]
My question here is.....should you change your name to Fly/Bait/SpinnerFishLover?
On this same note, the forth of July is an important day. Never understand the need to celebrate it on the 3rd or 5th, but what can you do.
One other thing I don't understand. I see this all the time, families struggling to pay bills,  enough, but these same people somehow find money and I am talking $100's to go buy fire works which is basically lighting that money on fire and watching the pretty colors. Then to set these off so dangerously close to dry fields and houses till early morning. Nope, not getting that.
The Parade and the Parks are a necessity for these days. Bare with it kid.
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To get this thread back on track I must say nice work turing lemons into lemonade there. I had one good day at Silver with a few rainbow and a brookie and one bad day. The bad one will stop me from going back for a while. Maybe my reservation is that I go to the mountains for some sort of peace and quite as I am sure you were looking for. Last week they had the worlds loudest concert going on and from Silver lake it just sounded like a whine/drone babble that was annoying to say the least. My twin said he could hear that a mile away at Lake Mary too. Poor backcountry campers is all I will say on that note.
I personally didn't get out yesterday as I didn't want to fish with the masses. I should have gotten out as it is raining today. Crowds and noise are better than rain I guess but not by much.
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Silver Lake is usually pretty money for me. Earlier in the year it was really really nice, when there was still some snow on the shore in places. Now that it's warmer everyone and their 15 kids goes up there and it's a wreck. Way too many people and way too many clueless people. So much line and hooks etc along the shorelines and the access is kinda limited from shore. I don't think I'll be going back for awhile either.