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just wondering how miserable it is and if its worth putting up with. are the bugs horrific? and are the weirdos out in force around that lake at night? I wanna catfish, and this dang heat is bad, so figured the cats are more active at night anyways and it'd be cooler.
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The bugs can get bad this time of year if there is no wind, but honestly there's only been a couple times where I absolutely needed bug spray. There is usually a breeze at night. Calm mornings are when I've seen the bugs the worst. Just bring some spray, maybe a bug mask and long sleeves, and you'll be fine. Never had issues with troublemakers either. I always stay close to my car and carry some "spray" for them also...just in case.
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Many times for me, the bugs are intolerable around dark. Dusk til deep dark, really. But then the temps drop, the breeze rises and the skeeters skidaddle. In the summer that might not be till 10:30 or so.
I've been there at sundown to where the swarms were hitting me like dive bombers to the point I felt like I was being actually pushed. I retreated to the car for a soda and came out again to only the occasional ear buzzer for the next several hours.
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I've found that it's quite tolerable if you're able to fish from a boat. We night fished last weekend and did pretty good, but I didn't wear socks (because I was lazy and it was hot) and the mosquitos feasted on my ankles. Once I put bug spray on we were left alone. And yes, a breeze does help.
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I went night fishing at the saratoga springs marina last week. there were a ton of bugs but there are light post there and thats where the bugs were congrigating. The only time they bugged me is when I walked by a light post. As far as fishing, from 12-2 am didnt get a bite. Then I busted out my crawdad trap filled a nylon sock with chicken livers and shrimp and placed in the trap and placed the trap about 5-7ft from shore in the water. After that caught 2 channel catfish both 20 inches. One on livers sunk to the bottom and one on worms floated under a bobber not even a foot from shore. Everyone was getting skunked around me too. Till I threw out my trap, then everyone was thanking me because everyone started catching fish. I was a hero that night it felt good. Good luck with your night fishing, hope this helps! Ill be out tonight hiting up the saratoga spings marina tje private one and the public one. And for those wondering I do have legal entry into the private marina.
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Just as a heads up, if you don't LIVE in the development, regardless if you have a parking pass or guest pass, they will ticket you. The person who gave you the guest pass is required to be with you. I got some guest passes from a friend who lives in there and thought I was good to go, until they let me know that he had to be with me. I actually got a warning ticket on my car as well.
I do believe this is number five (or was it six) law that you've broken and posted about due to ignorance. We all make little mistakes here and there, but damn dude, you're snake bit. Go get a proclamation at WalMart and keep it with you.
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thanks for the heads up mr officer I'm all good in that area.
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Wasn't trying to be a dink, man. Sorry if it came across like that. Just trying to help you avoid getting a ticket is all. I'm pissed because that was one of my favorite spots to smash LMB in the winter, but it's just not worth the risk.
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yah man that does suck. But actually I was fishing with a residence that lives just two streets down from the private marina. I have two fishing buddies that live in that community but I only fish with them about 2-3 times for the past couple of summers. But when we do go, the private marina is a spot we hit if its not packed already. Went there last night was fishing for catfish but kept getting panfish and a carp. Maybe its just me but I think inside the marina by all the docks is not a good spot for catfishing I never caught one there!
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[quote Maybe its just me but I think inside the marina by all the docks is not a good spot for catfishing I never caught one there!
Catfish do like structure not a flat muddy bottom in the middle of the harbor. I've got some ten pounders out of there and they weren't hanging out under the docks.
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I've caught hundreds of mudders around the docks and have pulled in maybe 3 channels. They're in there, but if you're after kitties I'd go elsewhere. If you go out to where the marina opens up to the lake there is plenty of over growth and submerged crap -- I get more channels up there than most places.
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[cool][#0000ff]Just a few random thoughts on night fishing on the old muddy pond.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]This is going into the time of year when night fishing is often best...especially for the larger cats. They have mostly finished spawning and are moving out away from the shallow rocks and reeds during the daytime. Sometimes you can find and catch them in deeper holes during the day. But when the sun goes down and the noisy playtoys leave the lake the big kitties move into shallower water to dine. Some cataholics fish them in water less than 2' deep. It is scary to watch the big bow wave one of those fish pushes up as it moves in toward your bait in the moonlight. Then the big swirl and splash as they grab the bait and feel the hook. Downright scary on a dark lonely night.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]There are several places around Utah Lake where the bottom slope is very gradual and you can wade out a long ways on firm bottom. A couple of places like that at the Knolls where old timers back their trucks out over the cobble rock bottom until they get a little depth. Then they crawl up in the bed of the truck, set up comfy chairs and marinate some bait in the nearby waters. Be sure to bring a big long handled net.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Bugs? What bugs? Oh, you mean those masses of humming hot drillers that can leave you feeling lighter and itchier? Only wimps would think of foregoing a fun night of fishing just because of a few bugs. Great weight loss program...unless you eat too many of them. During a hot summer night you really hate to put on enough clothing layers for proper protection...but it helps. You also need some industrial strength DEET...and don't miss any spots you don't want "sampled" by the bugs.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Forget lanterns and bright flashlights. They are only beacons for the bugs...guiding them into the grand opening of your own personal restaurant. If anything, wear a headlamp with a red lens to help you rerig or land fish. Just be careful that someone wandering by doesn't mistake you for a house of ill repute.[/#0000ff]
[#0000ff]Night time is the right time for big cats this time of year. But, I am a wimp. I hate bugs and I hate the prospects of West Nile virus. I usually wait until the cooling waters of September and October to really go after the bigger fish...and in the daytime. That's when I catch most of the fish over 10 pounds that I catch in any given year. And they really put on the feed bag ahead of approaching cold weather.[/#0000ff]