07-22-2012, 09:00 AM
Well since baseball is over and the grass needed cutting, Racefry wanted to go fishing and I couldn't say no. He wanted to go back to where we caught our fish in the CFF and catch some fish on his new frog. He has just recently gotten big into frog fishing which I really love to do as well, so we went back to a shallow grass flat. Well I jinks the whole trip and caught one on the first cast on a swim bait. We caught 3 more on the frog and my boy had the biggest so he was excited and a little cocky. Anyway the coolest part of the trip was that Tyan wanted to drive the boat and when we got back I asked if he wanted to load the boat and he jumped at the chance. He stuck it on the trailer 1st try and I just sat and watched and thought, Wow he is growing up and there is nothing I can do about it. It was a great 2 hr trip just hanging with the boy and letting do some of the grown up things he thinks is big time stuff. Can't wait for the next trip.