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kasviile pond fishing
I have been to the kasville ponds and sunfish and
bluegill are hot. I was using a small hook with a small nightcrawler. If your catcing some that swallow it just use a bigger hook. Try docks and shallow places just about everywere I caught bluegill. Anytime in the day does the change the fishing.
Personally like to go fishing pond, think morning fishing the effect will be better point.

Edit: links are not allowed unless you pay for that right.
fishing in the morning is better but it changes but you will catch fish whenever
Everyone's different opinions, think oneself mood more peaceful morning fishing, exercises oneself also can get better result.

I banned you for spamming the UT board - kochanut
fishermankiller- please explain your user name. Should we all be nervous to be around you?
Ummm yeah I have been thinking the same thing!
ya it doesn't sounds right to me. How did the mods even let his name to be confirmed. [crazy]

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