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Advice for Jordan River
Hi, I am new here, and to fishing(well not new exactly, but have not fished in a decade so like new). I went up to the Uintas with a group of friends to teapot lake, we didn't catch a thing but I got hooked (if you can pardon the pun). I dont have a large range of travel on a day to day basis, so I have been looking for local spots in or very close to salt lake to go during weeknights after work, and came across the idea of fishing the Jordan river.

I have gone out the past two nights, and not even had a bite. so let me tell you what i am doing and maybe you guys can give me some pointers.

I have been going to the boat launch at raging waters (approximately 1700 south redwood road) I have been focusing on using 1/32 size jigs with the gummy rubber bate on them. but I have also used spinners, and power bait. I am aiming for the yellow perch and white bass that are said to be in the river. the first day i got there around 5 oclock and was there for 2 hours, and yesterday I was there at about 8 and was there till 9:30

NOTE: this is a repost from Utah Fishing General. I felt this would be a better place for the question

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