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granite polishing help
I am trying to save some money on granite countertops and decided to try a small vanity on my own. After cutting and putting an edge on it, I am in the process of polishing it. I have polished it with a 3000 grit wet pad and I can't get it to shine. I am also seeing white stains being left on the granite ( see pic. ). I am wondering if I am missing something, any help would be appreciated. Thanks
First off if you have not sealed your granite, you should do so. First you need to remove any stain that might be in the granite. You can get stain remover from Home Depot if you need to. follow the instructions on the sealer and you will be fine. After you have polished the edges as much as you possibly can with the tools that you have, you should probably use the resin or epoxy that is typically used to add a shiny finish to the edge. You can probably find it on line.
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there is some really good stuff that is called ageer(not sure if i spelled it right) you will have to go to a granite shop to get some, but it workes really good. Also maybe try some wet steel wool or scocth brite.

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