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Well, the monkey is finally off my back! With the help of Wiperhunter2, I finally caught a wiper! I met up with him at around 5 pm, and we were soon on the water. The wind was blowing pretty good when we started out, but it soon died down and we had flat water the rest of the evening. We rigged up the way he described in his last post and within minutes we had our first fish on. He was kind enough to give me first fish and soon I reeled in my first ever wiper after twelve failed trips! It wasn't big, but I don't care, it's a wiper all the same. Wiperhunter2 soon had another wiper to the boat and he had us on fish the majority of the time. We ended up boating and releasing six wipers and kept two walleye, and we called it a night around 9ish. All the wipers were around the size of the one it the picture. We also saw a small boil as we were headed back to the dock. Thanks again Wiperhunter2, for teaching me a new way to catch some fish and for sharing your boat. I had a great time!
nice job looks like i might need to get hooked up with the wiper master and walleye because those 2 sucker for sure never got to catch one. never went to willard so never had chance to get wiper but so close on a big walleye at provo that got unhooked those smart fish know how to unhook the hook.
great job on the wiper

FFinglover, try fly fishing for them its a hoot
Ha ha ha really funny flyfishing for walleye not easy at all. You catch one then I might consider trying ha ha ha .
I am not sure you read my post, not once did i mention anything about FFing for walleye, but since you mentioned it, its not terribly difficult, just very time consuming. the wife and I catch them pretty regularly up in ID while FFing for smallmouth but nothing of great size.
I have caught Walleye at Deer Creek. If the water isn't over 60' deep(which Willard isn't, it is very possible with a fly rod. But, as mentioned, time is required.
It has been said many times, why limit yourself to one style of fishing. I wonder why so many limit themselves to what you can do while fly fishing.
I enjoyed getting out there with you yesterday, I'm glad the catching turned out as good as it did. With the water temps continuing to drop I think the summers hot temps are over.
For those of you that are interested, last Monday's water temp at Willard was 84*, yesterdays water temp was 77*.
Nice job guys. Way to show a guy some fish, WH2!

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