08-27-2012, 09:00 AM
Larry took me bass fishing in his Ranger Boat and I always love fishing from his boat BUT the dang fish didn&#39;t co-operate much at all. We put in at about 7:15 and fished until almost 12:00 noon.<br />We fished grass, drops, and around docks with mostly worms except for some early topwater fishing. Larry struck out and I caught only 2 all morning. First on a Spook over underwater grass probably in 10 fow and the other was on a hump in about 8-10 fow with a finise (green) Zoom worm. That was the only 2 bites we had all morning. I thought it very unusual that no bass were jumping or feeding on top or even making riplpes that we saw.<br /><br />I can&#39;t help but wonder if the grass killing spray did not run the bass off or shut down their feeding. emoBang emoBang emoScratch emoScratch emoQuestion emoQuestion <br /><br />The weather was &quot;blue bird skies&quot; and we didn&#39;t even break a sweat. emoCool