09-20-2012, 09:00 AM
I believe today was the hardest and worse tournament that Derek and I have fish together. Normally when you get the two of us together we can usually come up with a pretty good sack. Started off well with Derek flipping up one that was 3 lbs and 13 ozes. We thought we were going to get on them but after one slick that was it there. Moved to a deep cut just outside the grass and I picked up one on a crank and Derek picked up another on a big worm t-rigged. Both of those were only 15/16 inches. Moved around some more and blanked. We had spent the first couple hour up in grass so we left the grass bite and started looking for structure and drops. Hit several places but only managed a couple more shorts and one more squeaker keeper, all on a shakey. With the four we had they would only go about 9.5 lbs. Hit several more places and nothing. Moved again to a drop ditch and I was using a big crank. Had one nail it and the fight was on. Pulled drag and I could tell it was a good one. It jumped a couple times and both times I just about had a heart attack. Derek got the net under her and she was about 4.75 lbs. emoThumbsup Feeling pretty good now and thought we could cull up. Several more shorts and a couple lost we just could not seem to improve our sack. Finally Derek has a good hit and a good bend to his rod. Up comes one solid looking bass I would guess to be between 2.5 and 3 lbs. He gets her all the way to the boat and she jumps just out of my reach. Hook flies out and she is gone. emoBang We went to three more places and only managed slicks. Ran out of time and had to go in with the five we had. Those five went 14.19 lbs and was good enough for 19th place. Not a banner day but we did manage to get some good points to keep us in the top 50. emoAngel <br /><br />Considering this was a 9 hour tournament that was not very many bass for the time spent. We did have a good time together and caught about a dozen or so bass, so it was not a total bust. The day was great, beautiful and nice. What happened to our overcast sky and our chance of rain I have no idea. emoScratch Jmax