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Jmax, Chick, Bass, pre-fishing for the CBA classic, 10/23/12, alone
I have not been fishing in over a week and for me that is a long time. The last time out was the CFF. Got a touch of a bug and could not shake it. Finally felt good enough to go wet a hook this afternoon and I am glad I did. The lake looked like a "Who's who" of the CBA. It would appear a bunch have taken off work to find some fish and several partners were fishing out of both their boats to cover more water. emoDoh Bumped into a couple that were doing well and a couple that said they were not doing well at all. Trouble is this time of year right before the CBA classic you may not be able to believe them even more then normal. emoBigSmile <br /><br />Today I fished a bunch of different depths from shallow to deep. A bunch of different baits from bottom huggers, middle runners to top water. I had a very good time of it. Not a whole lot of fish but some very nice ones. My best five were 5/2, 4/4, 3/7, 3/1 and 2/11 all weighed on my scale. emoThumbsup I believe that adds up to 18 lbs and 9 ozes. I would love to have that two days in a row for the CBA this weekend. I also hope I did not sore mouth all my fish. emoCrazy I was surprised to catch some really nice ones with the blue bird sky and very calm water. I am looking forward to this weekend and hope to do as well.<br /><br />C-ya out there. emoAngler Jmax

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