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My auger blades are dull. My auger is a eskimo brand. I think it is a Barracuda.
Should I buy new blades or try to get them sharpened by a pro?
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Auger blades are so temperamental It would be interesting if you found someone to get them back to factory sharp. The question is the price difference between sharpening and new. If you find someone to do it for you and it works, buy new and carry a spare set and a wrench in case you hit a rock or something when you are in the middle of no where.........Fishon
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From everything I have heard, I would suggest getting new ones. I have a StrikeMaster Lazer, which has blades that aren't cheap. (Pretty sure the blades on yours are the same type as mine.) I bought some new blades for it on either eBay or Amazon for less than $30. I think I just got lucky with that price.
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Buy. Check local stores, you might get lucky.
And be careful if you ever loan it out. People often walk with them like crutches OR pound on the ice as they drill their hole.
Also, if they are out of alignment, which can easily happen in my examples stated above, that's as bad as if they were dull.
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I have had it for 2 years with heavy use. Sounds like I need to buy new blades. Last Sunday it took a while to get through 2 inches of ice.
With those lakes getting up to 5 feet 7.5 inches thick I am in for a world of punishment if I don't get some sharp blades!
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Honing a fresh edge on a blade is not rocket science, but getting the angle wrong, or bent supports - as stated - can mess up the whole mix.
I got a simple sharpener, and it's not bad to add a little tooth, or smooth a jaggy. But the cheaper augers are probably better served with replacement blades - after a few refreshes.
Now the Nils - I have heard of some folks that can/will sharpen them - quite nicely.
Now with the 5ft of ice you nutballs have busted through - yeah- the $15-$30 for fresh blades - money well spent I'd think.
Rock On! - well - maybe not for you Auger!