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Went for a sunday drive down to yuba to check things out. And I was suprized to say the least. They have started to fill the lake and I would say it is probably 35-40% full already. They are extending the ramp at the state park about 50ft.or so. The end of the ramp is about 10ft, from the waters edge now. Things are looking up at yuba.
Thanks for the report, Koke. I wanted to go down myself. I especially would have liked to have seen it while it was empty, to study the bottom etc. But it's good to know it's a lake again. Seeing it empty would have given me an eerie feeling I'm sure. It really surprises me too that there was enough water to refill it that quickly. I'm not sure I really want to fish for trout there though, it just wouldn't seem right. But I'm glad they took the opportunity to extend the ramp while the water was low (or gone).
Glad to hear it KOK i hope that before too long it will be as good of a fishery as it ever was. i am glad that it is filling up so fast i kinda figgured that it would because the sevier is still running fairly high.
Hey great to hear that ! Yuba is my primary fishing spot! Guess i will take a drive this weekend over there. Did you happen to see any new structure? I am very curious and anxious to see what they are really going to do to that reservoir!

If you are interested in Yuba, check out this link from the UDWR site:

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