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Here & There
Here: Strawberry, Utah

My brothers, father, and I have began to make it a tradition to hit Strawberry at some time during our Thanksgiving breaks. This year I didn't know what to expect after reading reports of it being slow, but we went regardless.

Our location took some hiking to. This little bay is often overlooked. As we were walking down to it I could see some fish rolling in the shallows, chasing chubs perhaps [Wink] We were into fish almost immediately...well my bros and dad were. I lost or missed my first 7 hookups [Sad]

It turned out to be a fun day with a lot of fish. The pictures do not give the full fun of this trip. My brother took them all on his cell phone [pirate] Only a couple of my fish were photographed. The rest of my family just doesn't seem to care about that stuff [:/]Oh well we've all seen slotters before. All cutts today. One out of the slot, but was released. We had a great, thankful, trip.

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There: Uncompahgre, Colorado

My lovely bride decided to take me fishing one Sunday evening. We loaded up and headed down to the river here just south of Montrose, Colorado. This section has provided me with some BIG cutthroats, but today it was brown town USA.

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My wife was the photographer this trip. I think she did well!

This one had some vibrant red spots, but were hard to capture [crazy]

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It turned out to be a very enjoyable evening with some quality browns coming to hand.

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Life is a gift, a short it well

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Nice post and excellent pictures. I wish my wife would take me fishing some time...
Love that Jet-black brown. Good work on getting to two polar-opposite waters and having a blast at each.

Great pics! Your wife sounds like a keeper.

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