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Went down today for 3 hours in the late afternoon with my brother, drilled about 20 holes throughout the harbor and docks. Caught 5 between the 2 of us. We threw everything we had at them, the schools just weren't there. Is there anywhere in Utah Lake people are getting the white bass? Has anyone been out to the pumphouse? Can you even get out to the pumphouse?
We tried going to the pump house today but they are doing construction out there and it is closed going through the private lane. Not sure if you can get there from the park to the west. We ended up at Saratoga and caught two all day.
Fished Lincoln beach and nada a bite. Buddy who hit it this morning caught three. Fishin was hot last week but to the sound of things, fish just didn't bite across the lake. I have heard of perch, white bass, crappie, walleye, and a northern pike being iced this year around Lincoln Beach. I am new to Utah county from Logan. Gettin to know the area.
Hmm, I was at AF Harbor just the day before. I got there at first light and I was the only person there all morning. I immediately hooked up when I got my line in the water, and it was nonstop all morning. I didn't even bother baiting up the 2nd pole, or using the Marcum. About halfway through the 2 hours I was there, I set up the GoPro and made a video of it, which was fun, and the first time out with the new GoPro. I ended up with 33 white bass in 2 hours, with lots of doubles. Almost boring. Funny how things can change overnight. Maybe you have to be there in the morning instead of afternoon.

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