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elwestb, The Chick, Bass, 1-19-13, Moses
We arrived at HB about 8;30 am this morning. Lots of fog on the water but the weather was really nice. <br />We went out and graphed some huge balls of bait and other fish. They were every where in 18 - 28 fow, but we couldn't beg a bite!? After about 2 hours of chasseing the bait and throwing everything we had at them, {rigs, Silver Buddies, Lil Georges, jigs, jerks, swims, and cranks we just went to fishing. Moses caught a good 4 lber. on one of his Beaulah jigs. Later he caught a drum on it again. Finally I got bit and boated one about 6 1/4 lbs. The silly thing looked like a Dalmatian Dog with about 7 black spots all over her body? In a few I get another about 5 lbs. Things are looking up now! After a while I stick another about 4 1/2 lbs. Moses is going crazy by now. Then shortly after that I get another one about 5 1/2 lbs. Moses is going nuts! Then I catch a SM just 18 in. long and just about 3 1/2 lbs. I did catch another pecker head LM that wouldn't measure. Our best three was around 16 lbs. or so. Our best five was around 23 lbs. The Water was colored to say the least and about 46 / 47 degrees. I would say it was at summer pool! The fish were in about 4 / 8 fow.

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