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Matthewsdad, Chickamuga, Crappie, 1/13/13
Put in at 7:30 with the intention of putting in some new brush piles but after fighting with the first one that was all i managed to get in before the boat traffic got heavy I picked up my rod and started to fish one of my piles already in the bay. On the first cast the line just got heavy so I set the hook and there was the first keeper of the day. Caught severial fish on this pile in 10-12' of water on a 6-8 count with a 1/32 oz jig. Only mannaged 3 keepers so on to the next spot. There it took a little time to figure out where the fish where in the brush. When I did and figured out the correct count it was no stop action for about 30 min. Most of thes fish wanted it on a 10 count again with the 1/32 oz jig with BG butter belly. This pile is a little deeper in 12-14' of water. Do not know how many I caught there was just having fun catching them. Most where keepers so I would only keep the ones right at 10" because most of these where full of eggs. Ended up keeping 12 for latter in the weeks dinner with friends. Water temp was 51-52.5 where I fished. I did try a couple of dock on the way back to the ramp just to see if the fish where on them. The first dock I mannaged 2 one a keeper the other short. The fish where in about 8-10 ' of water and took it on a slow retrive after shooting to the back of the dock and letting the jig fall to the bottom. The second dock is in 7' of water and at times hold good numbers of fish but not today. I am sure that there where crappie there but with the thousands of minnows under this dock they did not want my little jig. At one time there must have been 5,000 minnows swimming around the boat. By this time I had 4 calls from work so I had to leave not bad for a short trip on a rainy day. Figure I caught around 50 today with 30 keepers, biggest was a 13.5" full of eggs released to spawn. If the weather stay as warm as the weekend the crappie will spaw early this year.

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