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Fishing locations in Cocoa Beach Area
We are coming to the Cocoa Beach area during the Summer and love to fish. We have done the fishing charters. This year we would like to try some bank fishing in the area. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Also bait types would be appreciated as well. Our Condo is near 520 crossover but miles are not a consideration

Thanks - Mike [fishon]
Bank fishing is pretty hit or miss, but relaxing. Live bait will always be the best choice. In the summer, you can cast net mullet in the surf. A 5 gallon bucket and a battery powered aireator will keep them kicking. If they die, just use them dead. (keep the dead ones on ice) You'll want a long rod that can send your rig past the breakers. No telling what you might hook into off the beach. Anything from flounder to sharks. You'll want a comfortable chair, and a sand spike to put your rod in. make sure your drag is set where the line will pull out with a decent amount of resistance. If it's not set right, you'll watch helplessly as your rod and reel get dragged into the ocean. That's about all there is to it.

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