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drumking, Chickamauga, crappie, March 15, 2013, All alone
I had a little time on my hands today, so I went out to scout some places that I wanted to find and did about 15 minutes fishing total out of the 2 hours that I was out there. I found a cut in the delta that I wanted to find last year and didn't do, but I found it today. While I was in the cut in the channel, I saw a big school of fish on the graph, so I threw a marker and fished about 5 minutes there and the wind was howling, but I managed to catch a very fat Black crappie but he was only 9.5 inches. Back into the drink.<br /><br />I looked at some coves around Harrison Bay and found one little deep ditch like structure and a school of fish in it, so I threw the marker again and caught a nice white crappie there. It was released after a pic. That fish was about 12 inches long, just guessing. That is all that I fished mainly, although I did run into Hidden Harbor and fished a couple of slips and struck out. I have never found any crappie in there and I know that it has to be full of crappie at times. I'm through with that place. emoBang <br /><br />The wind was fierce everywhere that I went today and after a couple of hours, my trolling motor battery was dying, so after I loaded the boat up on the trailer, I motored over to the Auto Zone and had the battery tested. It was bad. emoBang I got 2 years out of the last battery, so I'm not complaining too badly. emoBigSmile <br /><br />While I was at the Auto Zone, I got a call from cuonthelake and she told me to meet her at Tyner Lane and take a ride in her new boat. So, we idled around Waconda Bay for about an hour or so before she took me back to the ramp. It is a honey of a boat too. Roomy and tons of storage. I love the all vinyl covering on the sides, deck and floors. After seeing this, I will never have carpet again in a boat. I'll bet that it will turn out to be a crappie killing machine. emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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