[quote FindFish]Another way those creel surveys get skewed is the IF&G will just set up a reporting station and have people voluntarily stop by and give reports rather then searching them out. This lends itself to having a heavier influx of reports of anglers that had success and the ones that got skunked just pass it by. As such, I usually divide the hours per fish they report by a reasonable factor to get a better idea of the fishing.
In the end it is another data point which is always great but I'd use it along with stream flows, weather, fish counts, time of year, etc. and not as a sole source for when to get out.[/quote]
I really appreciate your comment!! I have asked several times this season for a copy of the "survey protocols & procedures." I've also asked for a copy of the data form. I've asked for a photo of the creel survey Staff. So far, none of my requests for this information have received a reply. Don't get me wrong, I am not being critical of IDFG, I'd just like to get a better handle on the statistical aspect of the weekly surveys.
For almost six years, my wife and I served as volunteer "Secret Shoppers" for the Forest Service. They sent us to over 50 National Forest in 25 states to pose as tourists and go through exit interviews. Our task was to evaluate the interviewers and determine if they were following prescribed "survey protocols & procedures."
That's why we have a vested interest in trying to learn and understand how IDFG administers the creel surveys.
As Mark Twain supposedly said, "There's three kinds of lies: Lies; Damned Lies & Statistics."