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Twin Lakes updates ?
I was looking for old posts from last fall about the drawdown in the upper lake at Twin. Anyone have any pics or definitive info on if the upper lake was a complete loss.

The lakes are connected, so with water added the remaining fish will spread out.

The main problem with the draw down was the pelican predation in the shallower water.

Look at the lakes in Google Earth. It has a picture of them in Sept. I don't know how much lower they got, or if that was about the lowest.

[inline "Twin Sept 2012.jpg"]
Thanks I saw the aerial footage, and I heard about the Pelicans just wondered if anyone actually went and had a look in say Oct.

Are they filling it up now ? Ice off ?
I heard it was full now. I drove past Condie, Treasureton and Foster a couple of weeks ago, and they were all full or nearly so. It's a shame they couldn't have gotten that water into Condie sooner. Hopefully Twin, Weston and the others have been filled as well.
The last day I fished it was Oct 30th. I did get the boat through the passage and water level was pretty low but wasn't dry. I did not see any Pelicans that day.
Drove by it on March 17th looks pretty full and ice was out 10feet from shoreline.
Smile Always!

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