04-10-2013, 09:00 AM
After Derek&#39;s and my poor performance in the CBA last weekend I was not even sure I wanted to bass fish. I told Derek to bring his crappie pole since the specs have been on fire lately. Had about fifty Friday afternoon and brought home three nice messes. We decided to try bass to start with and if we did not do well at that we would go to crappie. We got on the water about 7:30 and right off started catching bass. I think we both kept thinking where were these bass last weekend when we needed them? emoScratch Most of our bass came out of water less then 10 feet. We had the best day we have had all this year. Threw everything at them and caught fish on a verity of different baits. We threw the 3 wire rig, traps, cranks, jerks, worms and my main stay, the shakey. We even doubled once with a nice pair of keepers. emoThumbsup Derek had to leave early at 1:30 to do honey dues so we only really made a morning trip out of it. Mainly fished four areas and had a blast. No real big kickers like some have said but we kept track of our best five and upon ending our day we had boated 21 lbs and 11 ozes with our best five. We would have been culling three pounders. I think a lot of our success is the bass are moving shallow and we both stink at deep water fishing. emoRolleyes Derek had big fish of the day with one at 5 lbs and 11 ozes, my best was 4 lbs and 7 ozes. emoToast A couple of the females looked like they were going to pop.<br /><br />If the water keeps warming up and the lake keeps rising slowly by this next weekend we should see some really nice three fish limits come to the scales at the CFF tournament. I believe our best three went 14 lbs and 7 ozes. emoDance I will take that in any three fish event. Derek has some pictures of our better fish so I think he will be adding them later.<br /><br />C-ya on the water. emoAngler Jmax