04-11-2013, 09:00 AM
I took Mrs DK out for a couple hours of scouting. It is the first time that she has been able to get on the boat with me for many moons. She loved every minute that we were out. <br /><br />I was just checked a couple of spots that we skipped the other day to see if there were any crappie active. Not much doing where I checked today. I did catch 6 crappie and Wanda caught a slimer channel catfish. <br /><br />I look at some of the crappie hotels that we put out to see if I could find them and I was successful finding them and it looks like baitfish and/or fish were on them all. I didn&#39;t fish any of them. Too windy by the time that I was doing that. So, we quit fishing and came home so I could get the front yard mowed. Rain coming in on Thursday and tournaments on the weekend. Skimpy report, I know. emoGeezer