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drumking, Chickamauga, Crappie, April 10, 2013, cuonthelake
Candi and I got out on this beautiful day at the crack of 10:00 AM in search of some speckled fish. We found them scattered throughout the lake and very slow to bite. We fished several colors and none seemed to be hotter than the other. I know that Candi was changing colors every 5 minutes or so and caught fish on every color that she tried except double silver minnow minder. <br /><br />I caught some on Panfish assassins and mostly on Bobby Garland plastics on 1/32 oz jig heads. We caught some on docks, some on vertical structure, some on brush, and some on stumps and a couple just might have been trying to commit suicide but we made them all go back in the lake and finish up their parental duties. emoBigSmile A large portion of the females that we caught today already had their girlie figures back after giving birth to the next generation. <br /><br />Sun got hot and we quit at 3:05 and headed back to Tyner Lane ramp. I'm sort of tired and glad that I'm not doing anymore fishing this week until the tournaments. CFF #3 on Saturday and Crappies for Canines on Sunday. Oh yeah, I did catch a yellow perch that was probably a TARP size, but since I already have a TARP certificate for a yellow perch, I didn't measure this one. Started to keep it. We let it ride around with us all day and finally released it back at the ramp. I also caught a big Golden Shiner that was in an area trying to steal crappie eggs. I let it make a 20' high dive back into the lake. Candi has better pics than me and I'm sure that she will post some later. <br /><br />Thanks for going with me today, Candi. Looking forward to the next time. Maybe Striped Bass at the Riverpark?? emoBigSmile emoGeezer

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