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Water temps at Deer Creek and Pinview
If anyone hit pineview or deer creek this weekend or does on monday - can you please post water temps as trying to decide where to head on tuesday this week. THANK YOU!
If you're looking for bass. DC hasn't turned on yet.

Sorry don't have temps, but I'd guess low 50s.
55 degrees at Deer Creek at 4:30 this afternoon and 52 when we got off at 7:30.
Pineview was between 52 to 54 yesterday!
pv water temps 49-63

I know i know but yesterday i saw these temps in certain areas of the lake. The highest was 63 and the lowest 49. When the wind was blowing i saw water temps drop very fast however i also saw it heat up fast.. With some more stable temps the bass spawny thingy should start and the crappie have migrated to spawning grounds and are doing there thing
Never saw that temp but we left around 1 pm and it was getting warmer. We did pretty well, how did you guys do?

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