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Lake trout?
I'm headed to flaming gorge/green river this weekend and will be spending a day on the lake and really want to hook into one of these bad boys... However I am mainly a fly fisherman and haven't spent much time on lakes. So what the best method for lake trout? Trolling? Dropping a worm down deep? Any help is much appreciated...
10, 11, or 12 weight rod, type 7 line, FlyGoddess furled leader, 50lb flouro tipit, huge articulated fly, and some Tylenol -- your arms are gonna be sore.

[Image: Pink-Pike-Mittel_zps01bda1fb.jpg]

[Image: Articulated2BPopsicle2BLeech2BFly_zps32ef0371.jpg]

[Image: migGHZa7vf5csfFXRYqpSJA_zps5e860bbb.jpg]

I've all of a sudden got the hankerin' to do some tying -- and then a Gorge trip...

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