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40-50 fish day on the Bear River
So I decided to try Oneida again for a walleye but without my boat since I had to make a quick trip. Hit the power plant about 7am and caught 5 small mouth. Up to the lake I go about an hour later. 5 small mouth at Maple Grove. Weeds are coming on pretty thick next to the shore around the camp grounds so figured I would spend the rest of my time just fishing the river back to the highway. From whatever the campground is on the river to the wooden bridge I caught about 25 small mouth and 20 ish trout. None of the fish I caught today were very big. Maybe a pound and a half small mouth for the largest and almost 3 pound trout but I can still not figure out what happen to my walleye skills up there. Not even a torpedo to show me that the small mouth havent taken over the river completely. Anyway, I am trying to post more since I maybe free from my leash of home improvements. Maybe take a picture next time if I dont forget my phone in the truck.
Thanks! Good report. How is the flow below Oneida? Also is there a lot of moss in the river there?
The flow was really low today. Maybe as low as I have seen it in a few years. There was some moss but wasn't affecting me very much. Few clumps floating around from time to time.
Flows been in the low 400's. Moss has just started piling up the last couple of days.
Sounds like I need to get up there before the flows and the moss increase. I love catching river smallies, but get really sick of picking moss off my line on every cast.

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